Friday, June 29, 2007

Play Date

Recently a few of us started a Mommy group. We are pretty excited. Its mostly for us but partly for the kids. This is Jacob and Adison. Seems like they are off to a good start as friends huh? Kendra was there as well but didn't seem to make it into the pictures. Maybe next time.

Right before we left Jacob chose to take a nap.

New Toy

Jacob is excited about his new toy! He says thank you Trisha!

Random Photos

I have lots of random photos so here are some. I'm sure there will be other random posts!


Theres are some older pictures... This is Jacob with his my Uncle Steve Aunt Sharon and Cousin Kelly. We had a good visit.

Friday, June 22, 2007

Bath time.

Bath time. Jacob is starting to out grow even the baby towels. They once could cover him twice but now his little legs stick out the bottom. Soon we'll be buying shoes cause hes out growing those too. Its all right around the corner. I can't believe how big hes getting! It all happens so fast!

Jacob and Daddy

Jacobs new favorite time of the day is the hour that we get to spend with Daddy before he leaves for work. Derek makes sure he gets some quality time in with Jacob each day and Jacob has a blast with Daddy!

Full of smiles!


Finally!!! Jacob has been working so hard to grab that flower! He finally got ahold of it enough for it to sing. Good job Jacob! He was so excited after!

Jacob has really started to move around a lot. He is using his feet to play on his play mat now too but when he does it knocks off the bar. When he knocks it off he either looks at me to fix it so he can do it again or trys to chew on the end. What a funny boy!

Grad party

The family got together after Jessica's graduation for a little party with good food and some gifts.

Nick even came down for a visit!

Jacob got to stay home with Aunt Sandy



Last Thursday Jessica graduated from Redlands High and we are so proud of her!

She'll be off to Monterey Bay in the fall.

"Let me out, let me out!"

Tuesday, June 12, 2007

First Day of Work

Derek started his new job today. I took a picture of him in his cute little hat he has to wear. Doesn't he look so excited? It reminds me of the pictures our parents used to take of us on the first day of school. Please remember Derek in your prayers. He is working some pretty nasty hours and it is taking away a lot of his family time but in the long run it will be great for us. We are very proud of him!

Helping Move

Derek Jacob and I helped Grandpa Johann move this weekend. Jacob worked sooo hard he made $20! Then we all went to dinner.

Grandpa Johann
Grandma Johann

Aunt Erika and Uncle Tim

Aunt Anna and Aunt Brandi

New Swing.

Yet another Angels outfit. Derek can't get enough.

New Swing

So curious!

Mmmm... Plastic!

Thursday, June 7, 2007

Hand Me Downs

Lots to blog today. Jacob made out with new stuff today! We have some friends that recently had a baby boy. As their son out grows things Jacob gets his hand me downs. They included a Bumbo in his packages today. We were so excited to try it out. As you can see he needs a little work... We'll get there though.

Mmmm...mmmm.... Good!

Jacob is growing so fast!!! He has been taking 6oz bottles and is still not satisfied so we gave him a bit of cereal for the first time today and he did so well! It seemed like he really enjoyed it! It held him off a little longer but not by much. Jacob was 3 months on June 3rd and is already in 6 month clothing because of his length. The stuff is a bit baggy cause hes a bean pole but cute none the less.

Something Kinda Funny...

Jacob is normally a pretty happy baby but when hes not he lets you know it! He will no longer take a pacifier which in the long run will be good for him but we have to be creative when other forms of comfort wont calm him down... We have discovered the camera is the way to go. Jacob LOVES to have his picture taken!!! So, when he is upset we just start snapping away and he calms right down as you see below. Silly boy! So we always have to make sure there is a camera handy!

Daddy and Mommys Little Angel

Derek saw this outfit and of course had to have it for Jacob. Jacob also has a matching onesie. We have searched for The Ducks stuff and have yet to find anything. So, if you see something let us know... Derek would just be thrilled.