Friday, July 20, 2007

Big Boy!

Jacob is doing so much better with his bumbo!

Play date with the girlies...

Jacob is the only boy in our play dates. He is surrounded by women all the time! Lucky guy huh?

Jacob and Alana

Adison and Kendra




Aunt Geri

We went to visit my best friends mom. Jacob ended up sleeping on their couch for a while. Its his favorite past time!

Happy Baby

What a life!

Once out of the shower... he fell asleep before he even had his diaper on. Such a hard life!

College Bound!!

Monday, July 9, 2007

Rolling Rolling Rolling

Jacob rolled this evening. Now at first I don't think he meant to. He was crabby and wanted to be picked up so when I reached for him he rolled to me. So to test it I put him down again and he did it a second time! So exciting! I wish there were pictures of it! Yay Jacob!

One VERY hot Vegas weekend.

This weekend we were in Vegas for Anna and Tims wedding. We had a pretty good time other than how hot it was (117 degrees) and the 6 hour drive home... I really enjoy California heat compared to Vegas thats for sure!! Here are a few pictures.

Amber and Jessica came with us to babysit.

It was so nice to have babysitters there. I got to enjoy a bit of a break. The girls were wonderful!!!

Derek and I before we left for the wedding.

Anna was a very beautiful bride.

Friday, July 6, 2007

Uncle DJ

Jacob really likes his Uncle DJ. He enjoys playing with him and laughing at him. They have a good time together.

Guess whos 4 months!!!

Along with being 4 months old comes 4 month old shots... Poor baby! He didn't like that mean ol doctor either!! He slept for a while after and then we came home and had some medicine and then played. He was such a good sport. He took a nap again for a few hours after and woke up to play for a few hours again. I was really surprised in how good his mood was! Jacob is now 14 lbs and 11 oz and 26 3/4 length. The doctor seems to be very happy with his weight and hight. She can't get over how tall his is for his age.