Thursday, August 30, 2007

Growing up so fast!

Jacob got his first tooth today. It came in while I was at work so Derek got to experience the first tooth and was so excited to tell me when I got home. Derek doesn't get many firsts because Jacob spends most of his time with me so I'm so happy that he was able to have this one. No pictures yet because its not big enough but I can't hardly wait for that first goofy tooth smile!

Monday, August 27, 2007


I'm working now so I don't post as much cause Jacob and I aren't home all day by ourselves anymore. I started babysitting for a local teacher while shes at work. It's been really nice because I get to bring Jacob with me but Derek and I don't get to see much of each other anymore with him working so much and me being gone while he is up at home. Derek does come get Jacob every day and spends a few hours with him until I come home. So here is a mega update! Enjoy!

Sleepy Funny Boy!

Jacob was so funny. He woke up from his nap and I laid him down on the floor to play and he fell asleep again. He woke up very happy and full of funny faces!

Happy Family!!!

tough guy

Dereks first time feeding Jacob.

New High Chair

Jacob outgrew his little chair. We had to move on to the big boy chair.

Our Mommy Meetings

Uncle Kyle

Sunday, August 12, 2007


Jacob is learning to sit up. We work on it every day and each day he can sit a little longer. Here are a few pictures of how well he is doing!

Very surprised look.
Surprised he can do it on his own!

Why buy toys when he has such a good time eating his clothes?

Right before the face plant.

Thursday, August 9, 2007

A family photo.

We don't have a lot of these because Derek is gone all the time. I need to learn to take more while he is home.

Aunt Lacy is home!!!

My best friend Lacy went away this summer for school and came home to find that baby Jacob is not so little anymore! He is growing like a weed!

Deep in thought...

Learning to sit... Sorta.

Most always a happy boy.

More interested in the camera!

Yay what a big boy!

It didn't last long...