Monday, September 24, 2007


Derek's parents and sisters came to visit a few weeks ago. Unfortunately Jacob was getting a cold so wasn't totally himself. But non the less they still enjoyed him.

Sunday, September 16, 2007

2 years!

Derek took me to see Rascal Flatts for our ann. We had a good time! I can hardly believe we've been married for 2 years already. Time flys! These last two years are a blur!

What a cutie pie!

You can see his new tooth in the second picture. Bottom middle. So exciting!

He is going to be sooo tall!

LA County Fair

We went to the LA county fair last weekend. Jacob had a blast!
We went to the petting area and in an enclosed area they had bunnies. Jacob loved all the animals!

Right before we took this picture a woman walked by us with her husband. She stopped turned around and called her husband back to her. She came over to Jacob and just looked at him for a good 2 mins saying how beautiful he was. It was so so funny. We have never left the house with him and not had someone stop us just so they can look at him. Makes us feel like we've done a pretty darn good job!

Like i said... he had a pretty good time.