Monday, December 10, 2007

Laundry Basket Racing

Jacob climbed into the laundry basket today. Usually when we do laundry we let him ride in the basket back to our bedroom and he loves it. Well, he saw the basket and figured he'd go for a ride. What a silly kid! I took him down the hall and back just to make him happy!

9 mo checkup

Jacob went to his 9 month check up the other day with his new doctor and he was in a GREAT mood up until they stuck him. Poor baby.

Sunday, December 2, 2007

Tis the season...

Tis the season for Christmas trees and pretty lights and Jacob just can't get enough. He loves the lights and santa.

This is the catch me if you can look.

Look what I have Mimi!

I just don't know what Derek and I are going to do when we finally leave my moms house. He LOVES his Mimi and her glasses!

Mommys little helper!

Jacob loves the vacuum! He wants to help every time we have it out! He is so excited just to look at it while its sitting in the middle of the floor!

Goofy Baby!

Now that Jacob is on the move he is ALL over the place. He really likes to look out the window of the house were I babysit.

It's a GIRL!!!

Baby Kirsten is finally here! A very healthy baby girl! A week or so before she arrived we all went out for Erika and Mikes last baby free outting.

Here she is! Congrats to Mike and Erika on a beautiful baby girl!