Friday, March 28, 2008


He doesn't make it far but he is walking.... You can tell how excited he is by the expression in the last picture.

Photo Shoot

More Easter

Mom and I made dinner for Easter. This year we had a turkey on the BBQ. It was great!

Jacobs Easter baskets. He made out!!


We also celebrated birthdays on Easter. DJ's actually landed on Easter this year and Sandy's was the day after.


Easter was a hard day for Jacob. He had a allergic reaction to something and became one big rash. He enjoyed being outside for his Easter egg hunt though.

Sleeping Baby

Jacob has caught just about every bug thats been going around this season... all at the same time! So he was down for the count for about a month and all he wanted was to sleep on Derek or myself. I came home one night from a baseball game with DJ and this is how I found my boys. So sweet!

Play date with Alana

Jacob and Alana love their play dates together. They get along so well!


With spring comes baseball and this year DJ is on the Dodgers. Jacob loves the games. He'll sit and watch the whole thing with us.

Spring is here!

Spring is here and my moms backyard is beautiful! Fruit will be here before we know it.


Jacob loves being outside in the grass.

Wednesday, March 19, 2008


Our lazy boy Jacob is a walking boy now... well sorta. He is up to about 5 steps before he crashes. He had a pretty bad fall last night that I think kinda set him back a bit today. He wasn't too into walking today. Saturday was the first day that he took a few steps. We were so excited that Derek and I both started clapping and yelling in excitement that Jacob started clapping and yelling YAY. It's cute. Also Jacob's new thing is to tell Daddy to go go go go while we are driving in the car. He is a silly boy!

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Happy 1st Birthday Jacob!

Jacob had a hockey first birthday. I'm sure you can guess who choose that huh? As you can see it was all Ducks colors. I didn't know until I set out to look for decorations that they don't make hockey decorations let alone Ducks decorations. It looked a little like Halloween to me but Derek liked it. Jacob didn't care much I don't think but he did enjoy the balloons. I surprised Derek with Jacobs little Ducks cake. Derek was so excited about Jacobs birthday it was almost as if it was his own. I know what cake is going to be requested for Derek's birthday in May...



Mmmm... Cake!

So my blog wasn't working the other day while I was trying to finish up the rest of the birthday pictures so I'm just now getting to it... As you can see below Jacob did a pretty good job on his cake. Jacob even shared with Mimi. What a sweet boy.

Saturday, March 8, 2008


So as far as a party went for Jacob Derek and I decided we didn't want to do anything really big so we just had family over. He made out really well. I asked for books for his birthday because he has so many toys already so now we have some really cool books. Anyone with a good photoshop think they can fix this first picture?

Jacob was only interested in the toys he could play with right away! He loved his new book from Paul!

Lacy also had a birthday not to far from Jacobs so we celebrated hers as well.

Uncle Mark had fun figuring out how to put some of Jacobs gifts together.

Uncle David and Aunt Kathrine seemed like they enjoyed their nephew.

Birthday weekend day 1

One of Jacobs birthday presents this year from mom and dad was to go to Disneyland on Friday. I'll start by telling you that Jacob is teething again and just got over the stomach flu a few days earlier so he was not really himself. The first part of our day didn't go as planned but it turned out better in the end. My brother David and his beautiful wife Kathrine made a trip to see Jacob for his birthday birthday weekend and we were so happy to have them join us. Washington really is too far away! We'd love to keep them! But we had fun with them while they were here!