Monday, May 19, 2008


Derek got a sunburn this weekend. Can you tell?

Jacob's First Art Lesson

Miss Molly

Kyle even brought Miss Molly over for a swim. Our car said it was 105 on Saturday and it was about 101 today. A bit hot for May if you ask me...

Jacob's Favorite Place

The Backyard!

Today Jacob spent a lot of time out back. His first time in the pool was yesterday and he had so much fun. Today Jacob and I got in again. He taught himself how to get in and out on the top step and to jump in to Mommy. There are no pictures because it was just the two of us but we'll be sure to add some soon. I'm sure there will be quite a few. He is our little fish.

Robertson's Transport Company Picnic

Derek's work put on a pretty amazing company picnic on Sunday. They had EVERYTHING. The only thing we had to bring was a side dish. The provided a gift for every child and all kinds of games for all ages. They provided the meat and all the drinks. They had trucks filled with ice and loaded with water and sodas. They also gave away about one hundred thousand dollars in prizes. Unfortunately we didn't win. But we still had a good time. It was like being in one big tent city. Everyone had their EZ Ups out. DJ and all the other kids played with the super soakers . The company provided fill stations located around the picnic. It was really nicely done!

Jacob enjoyed seeing the truck that Daddy drives.

Nap Time

My Moms Mothers Day

My mom had to work this mothers day and we wanted to do something special. So in place of a card we decorated the entire driveway this year. She loved it!

Mothers Day

Look what I got for Mothers Day! Derek did a good job!

Derek made me and my mom breakfast!

Jacob was a really good boy!

Strange child! He likes to crawl around with shoes on his hands.

Dinner with The Burdicks!

They were both having a crazy hair day!

Kendra and Jacob get along really well!

Sunday, May 4, 2008


DJ is doing really well in baseball this year! We lost last night 1-2 but DJ had the only RBI. I believe he is the RBI leader for his team. Derek and I wont park in the back parking lot facing the field because DJ is bound to hit a home run this year. He has been so close. We're not going to chance it!

Early birthday for Derek

We went to an Angels and A's game for Derek's birthday.

Being silly!

Keeping quiet in the car.

Ford Park

Jacob didn't enjoy the park as much as we thought he would. He isn't a fan of the swing mostly because he doesn't like to be in the sun. But, he did enjoy going down the slide with Daddy!

Jacob's new train.

Mmmm.... Spaghetti

The Boys

My Mom and I went out for a girls night out and left the boys home to fin for themselves. This is what we came home to. Derek on the computer and DJ on his gameboy. I thought this was a funny photo opportunity. Think they were lonely?

Strange child!


Reunited.... Now that we're in baseball season we get to see old friends. Jack is the little boy that I baby sat a while ago. We see them from time to time at baseball games.


Aren't they so sweet?

Jacob loves his Daddy so much. He walks around saying Dada all day while Derek is at work. The moment Derek walks in the door Jacob follows him around until bed time that night.