Tuesday, June 17, 2008

In the Navy...

So it is official. Derek enlisted into the Navy and we will now be a Navy family. Derek 'ships' out August 11th. He went down for his testing yesterday and passed all the physical and had the highest score of his group for the asvab so he got to choose what ever job he wanted which is Master at Arms (Navy Police). Wish us luck on this new journey!

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Jacob's Hospital Stay

Poor baby! Jacob got sick last Wednesday at about 6:30am. I thought it was something he ate at first or maybe too much milk that night. Then he started teething and thought it could be related to that. My mom said that my brother and I often threw up while we were teething. He was sick Thursday and Friday and to spare you the details it was coming out both ends Saturday and Sunday. I told Derek that if he wasn't feeling better by Monday I would call the doctor and get him in. Well, Monday at 4am he woke up crying so I went to get him and he threw up blood. I called the nurse night line and was told to bring him to the ER right away. Derek and I got there and the nurse at the front desk gave us a really hard time about bringing him trying to make me sound like an over protective parent and making me sound like a fool. Needless to say I was quite short with this man and was ready to start screaming. Good thing I didn't have to be around him long!! We were taken back right away and tests were run. They stuck him 3 times before finally finding a vain that would take enough blood and support an IV. The ER doctor called up to pediatrics as soon as the tests came in and had a specialist come down. He came in to let me know that there was too much acid in Jacobs blood stream and stomach to let him go and that they would be admitting him. I definitely was not prepared to hear that, thats for sure! They were very on top of things. I was impressed. We didn't stay down in the ER for long at all. Jacob was in his own room by about 9:30am. Every time anyone other than Derek or myself got near him he would scream at the top of his little lungs. If you know Jacob well you know he is not a really shy baby. He is usually so friendly but after 3 nurses and myself had to hold him down to get his IV going he no longer wanted anything to do with any hospital staff.

This was a day or so before we brought him in. He was so weak and slept the whole time.

Jacob wanted his Daddy or Mommy and nothing else. How scary it must have been for him.

This was when we first got into the room. They had a little crib set up for him. He could hardly move.

Derek and I were so tired. They only gave us one chair for a while. So we took turns standing.

He cried for HOURS when we were finally settled in our room. We couldn't feed him anything or offer even water for a long time. He was signing more more for a long time. He finally is getting the hang of this sign language thing and I have to ignore it. I felt so bad.

This is what his poor little hand looked like with the IV. He didn't bother it too much until the next day when he was feeling better. He wanted to pull it out.

Late that night he started feeling better. We hadn't seen that smile in over a week and it was so good to finally have a smiling baby again.

We didn't think we would be staying the night in the hospital so I didn't bring him anything to play with. I had to go to Target to get something to entertain him. He loves puzzles!

He just wanted to cuddle with us. We had to be touching him or he would cry so Derek and I took turns climbing into his tiny crib to sleep with him. I don't think this picture shows you just how small this thing is. Derek looked funny in there. I should have gotten a picture of him! At about 1am they finally gave us a bed. So when I got him in a sound enough sleep I was able to sleep in a bed next to him.

This was the next morning before we found out that we were being discharged. He moved into bed with me at about 5am when the nurse came in for his vitals. I had to sign a waiver saying I wouldn't sue if he fell out of bed with me. So much paperwork! We saw the doctor that morning and he was surprised with how quickly he got better. I guess what ever the virus that he had is going around it it was taking a while for them to kick it. There was no excess acid in his blood at all and all the red and white blood cells looked great so we were able to get out of there at about 10 am.

Jacob is feeling so much better. I would say he is at about 90 percent. He would be 100 percent if his teeth would just come in already. Poor thing. But he is back to playing with his toys and chasing the dogs again. YAY! We even got him laughing last night.

Bye bye Lacy

Lacy went away this summer to study in Minnesota so before she left we had dinner with her. It was good to see her but too bad Jacob didn't feel well. We had to leave early because he just wasn't a happy baby. Poor thing.

Derek's Birthday

For Derek's birthday this year we had a small get together at the house. He went out the Paul in the afternoon to race go carts and we had pizza and cake and played poker that night.