Saturday, March 21, 2009


Several hours later... I've updated most everything. I'm sure There are some things I've forgotten but they'll have to wait! Make sure you check older posts because there is  ALOT to look at!

Jacobs idea of putting his toys away... haha Just stack em!

Cool guy!

The Sand Box

Grandma got Jacob a sand box for his birthday this year and he loves it! Though I don't think he's fond of sand on his feet. I'm the same way... silly boy!

The Zoo!

Jacob Amber and I took a trip to Norther California to visit some friends. We took Jacob to the zoo while we were there and he had a blast. He even made a new friend, Rudy and Jacob were fast friends!

Derek says he has these on base in Japan. 

I don't know if we were supposed to feed them the leaves but we did...

It was very very cold in San Francisco that day!

Kendra's Birthday Card

The birthday card Kendra gave to him had stickers all over it. Jacob got the idea to take them all off the card and place them all over himself. He did not enjoy taking them all off before bed though. 

Jacob's 2nd Birthday!

I just had a small party for Jacob for his 2nd birthday with two of his friends. It was perfect! We blew up close to 100 balloons and the kids had a blast!

Game night with Andrew and Susan and the kiddos

Adison's Birthday

Jacob wasn't so excited about the face painting at Adison's second birthday party so he had his hand and arm painted instead. A blue dragon on one arm and a yellow and orange fish on the other.  During dinner that night the dragon and fish became face paint anyway... haha

Making a Fort

At the park

Oh Man...

Christmas Eve/Poker night.

Making Christmas fudge with Grandma.

He was the taste tester. He approved... 

Beautiful roses Susan and Kendra got me for my birthday this year. I've got great friends!

Christmas play at church.

Jacob was the sheep at the Christmas play at church. They fed the animals cheese balls to keep them where they were supposed to be... haha

First trip to the snow...

His cute little boots. 
Nice and warm and happy because Mommy let him have candy!