Tuesday, June 12, 2007

First Day of Work

Derek started his new job today. I took a picture of him in his cute little hat he has to wear. Doesn't he look so excited? It reminds me of the pictures our parents used to take of us on the first day of school. Please remember Derek in your prayers. He is working some pretty nasty hours and it is taking away a lot of his family time but in the long run it will be great for us. We are very proud of him!


Anonymous said...

Hey Derek

Love the hard hat. I had to wear one for about 38 1/2 years. I think thats why I lost my hair (ha). Good luck on your new job.

Oscar Hendrix

Anonymous said...

Congrats Derek for being patient while the Lord brought you to this job! I pray this works out for your family!
Oh, by-th-by, our blog name has changed... mntstephens.blogspot.com
Love you all,