Monday, June 4, 2007

New Friends

Jacob had a good time visiting Andrew Susan and Kendra. Here is a picture to show just how tall Jacob is. Kendra is 9 months and Jacob isn't too far behind her hight wise.

Kendra wanted to eat him!

Jacob telling Kendra all about his day! He's a talker!


J, D, and A said...

Looks like they had so much fun together. It's great to have some babies around the same age... they can grow up with each other:)

J, D, and A said...

Ok I know I already left a comment but I would LOVE LOVE LOVE to do a get together with other moms. I think that would be so fun!!! Let me know when. If you don't have a place to have it already we can have it at my house... I have alot of room and I'm in town. Let me know.
P.S. thanks for thinking about me:)