Friday, July 6, 2007

Guess whos 4 months!!!

Along with being 4 months old comes 4 month old shots... Poor baby! He didn't like that mean ol doctor either!! He slept for a while after and then we came home and had some medicine and then played. He was such a good sport. He took a nap again for a few hours after and woke up to play for a few hours again. I was really surprised in how good his mood was! Jacob is now 14 lbs and 11 oz and 26 3/4 length. The doctor seems to be very happy with his weight and hight. She can't get over how tall his is for his age.

1 comment:

J, D, and A said...

mean old doctor... this is the worst part... hope he is feeling ok.
See you soon. Are you going to the mommys meeting on Wed.? I hope so