Sunday, November 18, 2007

What a big boy!

Jacob is on the move for sure! In addition to him becoming an expert crawler he can now pull him self up on things. That is what he surprised us with this evening while we were putting up the Christmas stuff. Next thing we know he'll be walking. It all happens so fast! This month has really been an exciting one!

Monday, November 12, 2007

Jacob's Cousins

The girls came for a visit. It was good to see them! Boy are they growing like weeds!!!

Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Uncle Tim

Jacob loves his Uncle Tim. Tim was kind enough to watch him for a little. They ended up taking a nap together. What a sweet picture.

Our Goofy Kid!

Jacob is 8 months old now. It seems like just yesterday I was still pregnant. As I posted earlier... Jacob learned a few new words. Well, right after I posted that he surprised us with one more. His vocabulary now consists of Dada Mama Baba and YAY. He also leaned to play peekaboo and how to clap his hands. He also got two new teeth in the last two days. So since Saturday it seems that our little guy has grown too fast. It was neat to see it all though. He is now crawling on his knees backwards and kinda forward. He taught himself how to go from his belly to a sitting position on Saturday and pulled himself up on me yesterday. He is now working on pulling up on the couch. People always say it happens fast but I was thinking over a few months. Not all in the same week. Hes our smart boy. I have video of him playing peekaboo and clapping. I'll have to try and get them on here.

Playing With Leaves

Jacob loves to be outside. I took him out the other day to play with the leaves. He found one that he thought looked tasty and found out the hard way that they don't taste as good as they look.

Jacob LOVES His Daddy!!!!!!!!


Jacob was our little pumpkin for Halloween this year and he sure kept warm in his little costume. He had a good time walking around down town with Daddy! We took DJ and his friend Adam . If you have never been trick or treating in down town Redlands you should try and make it sometime. They even had live music and a magic show and some of the houses. It was really neat.

Pumpkin Patch

Jacob didn't know what to think about the pumpkin patch. He did like playing in the hay and dirt on the ground though.

A Grumpy Eater!!

Big people Halloween party!

My step sisters had a Halloween party this year. Finally a little adult time!!! YAY! Derek was a Ducks fan and I was Marlyn Monroe. We had a good time.

As you can see. Erika is about to pop. She should be having her baby any day now.

Sunday, November 4, 2007

Jacob's learning to talk!! YAY

Jacob surprised us with 2 new words this weekend. Along with the "Dada" he has been saying the last week or so he has added "Mama" and "Baba". It is so exciting! All in the same day he can now say my name and let me know he wants a bottle. YAY!