Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Our Goofy Kid!

Jacob is 8 months old now. It seems like just yesterday I was still pregnant. As I posted earlier... Jacob learned a few new words. Well, right after I posted that he surprised us with one more. His vocabulary now consists of Dada Mama Baba and YAY. He also leaned to play peekaboo and how to clap his hands. He also got two new teeth in the last two days. So since Saturday it seems that our little guy has grown too fast. It was neat to see it all though. He is now crawling on his knees backwards and kinda forward. He taught himself how to go from his belly to a sitting position on Saturday and pulled himself up on me yesterday. He is now working on pulling up on the couch. People always say it happens fast but I was thinking over a few months. Not all in the same week. Hes our smart boy. I have video of him playing peekaboo and clapping. I'll have to try and get them on here.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi There!
It's been a while since I've surfed through and peeked at everyone's blogs. Just busy for one, and also my computer is in Kristen's room so I don't get to it nearly as often as I used to.
Jacob is getting so big!
I cannot believe how much he's grown since I last saw him. We need to get together next week during the holidays and catch up.
Let me know when you are free! I'm off ALL WEEK!!!! ;O)
Yes, I'm spoiled with my job!
Love and miss you guys,