Friday, January 25, 2008

Baseball player!

Jacob caught a ball mid air for the first time yesterday. We were all so excited! He has been tossing things for a while now but it was the first time we tossed the ball to him and he caught it with both hands. I'll have to get pictures and maybe video. I know I keep promising video but it has yet to happen. Derek is allowing Jacob and me to go to Hawaii with my mom in a few weeks and we are very excited. We'll have more to blog about then. I'm a bit nervous about the plane ride there.. well see. I'll keep everyone posted. After Hawaii we are having a special visit for Jacobs 1st birthday. My big brother David and his wife will be down and we'll be going to Disneyland together for Jacobs birthday. February is going to be a very busy month.

Saturday, January 12, 2008


DJ was surprised to get an XBOX 360 for Christmas this year. He also got Rock Band to go along with it. Jacob loves when the boys play Rock Band! He likes to sit right in front of them and listen while bobbing his head right along with them. Its so funny! Jacob wants to play drums. They have an extra set of drum sticks that Jacob gets to play with while the boys are playing.


Jacob got two Christmas presents early. One was this walker that Mimi got for him. He likes this one because it makes it so much easier to get into things that hes not supposed to!

Thank you Maddie!

Jacob got this shirt as a gift from his friend Maddie.

Christmas with the Lansdales

We even went to Lancaster to see Derek's family. Jacob did so well considering he was in the car ALL Christmas day.

Christmas Mimi Riddles

Jacob made out this Christmas. We have an entire corner of my moms living room just for his toys. I'll have to take a picture and blog it. He got a little of everything. My mom even got him a rocking horse. Jacob loves it! It makes horse sounds and everything. You'll notice there is also a picture of Derek with a gift. This year all the adults drew names. Sandy had Derek's name. They walked in with a really heavy box and we had been telling Derek they got him tools. He sure was surprised when he found out what it really was. A box full of rocks and a small envelope that had Ducks tickets in it. Thank goodness we are going to tomorrows game because he has had a count down going since he opened the gift. Thank you Sandy and Mark!

This is how our Christmas ended with Jacob. He was sick the whole time too. Poor baby!

Long time no blog...

It has been a while. Our lap top is dead. The battery and the charger are dead is what I should say so I haven't had access to a computer so we've uploaded some pictures onto my moms computer. Here are some from just before Christmas. I've noticed that some of them are out of focus which makes me so sad so we are thinking of investing in a new camera come tax return time. We'll see.