Saturday, January 12, 2008

Christmas Mimi Riddles

Jacob made out this Christmas. We have an entire corner of my moms living room just for his toys. I'll have to take a picture and blog it. He got a little of everything. My mom even got him a rocking horse. Jacob loves it! It makes horse sounds and everything. You'll notice there is also a picture of Derek with a gift. This year all the adults drew names. Sandy had Derek's name. They walked in with a really heavy box and we had been telling Derek they got him tools. He sure was surprised when he found out what it really was. A box full of rocks and a small envelope that had Ducks tickets in it. Thank goodness we are going to tomorrows game because he has had a count down going since he opened the gift. Thank you Sandy and Mark!

This is how our Christmas ended with Jacob. He was sick the whole time too. Poor baby!

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