Wednesday, February 20, 2008


These are from Monday before we took off, on the plane, and when we arrived at our hotel room.


Tuesday was The International Market place and a beach day. We went to Fort Durussy (sp) Park Beach to swim. It was just a walk through the park from our hotel. Jacob took a face plant into the sand.


Wednesday was Hanama Bay (sp). This was a lot of fun. We did all leave that day a little burnt unfortunately but it was well worth it. It was one of the most beautiful spots of the trip. We also had dinner that night with Brian Dee and Matthew. It was so nice to see them! Brian even came and picked us up from our hotel and everything. Saved us a dirty bus trip. Thanks Brian!

Tuesday, February 19, 2008


Thursday we went to the cultural center. It was very educational! It was a lot of information to take in all at once though. I think maybe too much for DJ... but he enjoyed the activities!


Friday we went on the Circle island trip. This included the USS Arizona Memorial. It was a real neat experience. I think I would have liked to have a little more time there though. We moved onto the Dole plantation where I would have liked a little more time at as well but the rest of the tour went well. It was a very long time on the bus and Jacob did an AMAZING job. I think he only cried at lunch while off the bus because he was so hungry he couldn't wait for real food any longer.

Johann was my maiden name. I saw this name on the wall of the USS Arizona memorial. I'm curious if we may have been related to this person. I have never met anyone with that last time... I can't seem to find anything in google so I guess I'll continue to wonder.

Monday, February 18, 2008


Saturday was our last day there. We had a late flight that night. For our last day Dee came to entertain us. She was a great tour guide and we were so happy to spend some extra time there. Jacob and Matthew got along really well. They even shared Jacob's sippy cup. It was cute!

Happy to be home!

Jacob was happy to be home and even wanted to help unpack to ensure we weren't going anywhere else... He was so excited to see Daddy when we got to the car as well.

Mean doggie!

Poor Jacob had a bad encounter with a little dog! While at Mark and Sandy's their little doggie didn't much like Jacob being near her food and before I could scoop him up the dog had a mouth full of Jacob cheek. Poor baby! He cried for a while but calmed down soon enough. It didn't break skin so there was no reason for a doctor visit. I cleaned it up and now we just have to wait for it to heal. No family picture any time soon...

Friday, February 8, 2008

Toys? What toys?

We have a problem... Jacob is not interested in hardly any of the toys we got him for Christmas. Between the blankets he pulls from the couch onto the floor and a few balls, he chooses to ignore all the things he got for Christmas. Guess we don't have to get much for his birthday. All of his toys have hardly been touched! Crazy kid.

Ready for Hawaii!!

Sissy la la

DJ put Sissy in the box my luggage came in the other night and she liked it in there. Usually she fights him when he does stuff like this to her but for some reason she didn't want to come out once she was shoved in. I thought the family who knows her would appreciate this picture!