Thursday, August 28, 2008


So I got a bit side tracked with other things yesterday... what I really wanted to update on was that I received my first letter from Derek. He is doing well but says he is very homesick. He misses his boy! Chief doesn't know his name yet so he said that was a good thing. Chief knows all the guys who act up already and he says his class can't seem to keep their mouths shut so it sounds like he has had to do a lot of IT. He passed his swim test!! I was very happy to hear that! If you've seen Derek swim you know he floats like a rock. He can swim well but ask him to float on his back you'll have to rescue him at the bottom of the pool. He said that the food isn't too bad, no sugar to caffeine all low calorie. Wish he would eat that way at home! Derek doesn't mind bland but I'm sure he misses putting crushed red pepper on everything (something he has started doing in the last year or so...). We did find out that his division is a grad and go, meaning I'll fly in for the graduation and have a few hours with him, and then he'll be off to where ever school is. Thats a big bummer. I'm debating if I want to stay an extra day or so, so I can experience Chicago. I hate to fly all the way out there and not even get to explore at all. We'll see. His rate (job) is up in the air as of now but when I know whats going on with that I'll let everyone know. As far as Jacob and I go, we're hanging in there. Derek and I made some videos of Derek reading to Jacob and counting and such. We watch them daily and that is Jacob's FAVORITE part of the day. When you ask him where Daddy is he goes to our lap top. He has also been carrying around a picture I had printed out of the two of them. Derek is a bit worried Jacob will forget him but so far I really don't think we'll have that problem. Say a prayer for Derek and if you can send out a letter! I'm sure he'd love the encouragement. Thanks for all the prayers and support!

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

You know who you are. For the others i'm sorry you have to read this.

This is not for most who read this blog. This blog is for my family and friends. I'm sorry some of you will have to read this but I will do everything I must to protect my family. If you are not a family or a friend that is concerned/curious of the going on with my husband, my child, or myself you are not welcome to post here. Do what you will with your own space.

If you have something you would like to talk about concerning my husband being shot at or any other terrorist threat you might have, as well as anything else your heart desires I will be happy to meet with you at your home and discuss these with you, with a Redlands Police Officer present for mediation.

I will not play your childish games and I am serious about that. I am documenting everything that has happened. I will be happy to turn what I have over to authorities. My family, my self, and my relationships with others are none of your concern. So if you would like to meet with me please let me know and I would be more than happy to arrange it.

Thank you in advance for discontinuing your verbal online abuse.

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Jacob's first hair cut!

Jacob had his first hair cut yesterday. He wasn't very happy about it! His hair was just too long and needed to be cut badly! So him and Daddy are twins now. I'm sure Derek's hair is just as short if not shorter!

Saturday, August 23, 2008


I finally got a call from Derek today. He seemed really down and he said he hasn't received any letters so he asked if I have written him yet. He is going to get a ton once they get there! That'll be a good day for him! They say the first feew weeks all the recruits are down like this. It's very normal. It's just so sad because Derek is always and up beat positive guy so it is very out of character for him to be upset! I only got to talk to him for about 30 seconds so the phone call is almost a blur. He said it sucks and he is really tired. The only reason he got a call today was because he didn't get one once he got there a week and a half ago. Poor guy. I had mentioned to those of you who asked for his address not to send anything well thats changed. If you really want to help him out send stamps and a phone card. Pictures are fine too just don't expect him to come home with them as they don't have much storage space and end up tossing most things.

His graduation date is also finally posted on the website. October 10th. Thats exciting!

I'll keep you all updated!

Saturday, August 16, 2008

Bath time!

He has gotten so big. He wont fit in the sink much longer!!! Check out how long his hair has gotten! He really needs a hair cut. I'm just not ready to give up his beautiful hair just yet. He'll have one before we go to see Derek in Great Lakes though.

Art projects for Daddy!

We don't have his address but we're getting lots of things ready to send out as soon as we do to show Daddy just how much Jacob loves him!!!

Before I took him to his recruiters to leave.

He had a hard time saying good bye to his boy. We're so proud of Derek and the decision he has made for his family. Thanks to all of you who have supported us in this new chapter of our life.

Family time.

Daddy and Jacob spent a lot of time together the week before he left.

This is Jacob in his most favorite spot in the world. He loves to just sit and cuddle with Daddy!

He has finally learned how to get on and off his horse.

Dinner Party

WONDERFUL friends brought dinner up the Friday before Derek left. It was so nice of them. We had a good time with great food and played games. I haven't enjoyed myself like that in a long time. Thank you Jesse and Delyse, Susan and Andrew, and Nicole and Justin for making that a wonderful night!

Shana's Wedding

We also went to Derek's cousin Shana's wedding reception. She looked beautiful. It was great to finally get to talk with her.

Jacob was really tired. He played hard! Or shall we say danced hard! He loved the music.

Going away party.

We had a going away party for Derek a week before he left. It was a really great turn out! I just wish we could have had more time with people. There were so many here it was hello thanks for being here and then we had to move on to the next group. Thank you to all of you who came by to support Derek. He really appreciated it!

I wish I would have gotten more pictures but I felt like I was running around that night like a chicken with its head cut off.

They play so well together.

Friday, August 15, 2008

Life as a Navy wife thus far...

Derek is gone. He left Monday morning for SD and flew to Great Lakes, IL on Wednesday. I heard from him before he got on the plane for about 10 seconds. For some reason the call cut out and we didn't get to say good bye. Bummer. I'll survive though. I've prepared myself for the worst. I still haven't gotten my 15 second phone call saying he made it there safely. I should have gotten that on Wednesday night/ Thursday early morning. I've just been waiting.... and waiting... looks like I'm not going to get it at all.

I called the recruiters station today and Derek's recruiter isn't there so he can't look up Derek's address but the recruiter IS IN Great Lakes (He does me no good there! I'm really fed up with this guy. He has been no help through the entire DEP program. He didn't even tell us he wouldn't be around the 3 weeks before Derek shipped out!) The recruiter that I talked to said that Derek's recruiter physically saw him and that he made it there safely and that I should have gotten a phone call already because he has been processed. ( At least someone knows something!) They said they don't know whats going on and are going to try and find something out for me. I hope they do. He told me to call back again tomorrow. GRRR... and let the military experience begin.