Friday, August 15, 2008

Life as a Navy wife thus far...

Derek is gone. He left Monday morning for SD and flew to Great Lakes, IL on Wednesday. I heard from him before he got on the plane for about 10 seconds. For some reason the call cut out and we didn't get to say good bye. Bummer. I'll survive though. I've prepared myself for the worst. I still haven't gotten my 15 second phone call saying he made it there safely. I should have gotten that on Wednesday night/ Thursday early morning. I've just been waiting.... and waiting... looks like I'm not going to get it at all.

I called the recruiters station today and Derek's recruiter isn't there so he can't look up Derek's address but the recruiter IS IN Great Lakes (He does me no good there! I'm really fed up with this guy. He has been no help through the entire DEP program. He didn't even tell us he wouldn't be around the 3 weeks before Derek shipped out!) The recruiter that I talked to said that Derek's recruiter physically saw him and that he made it there safely and that I should have gotten a phone call already because he has been processed. ( At least someone knows something!) They said they don't know whats going on and are going to try and find something out for me. I hope they do. He told me to call back again tomorrow. GRRR... and let the military experience begin.

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