Thursday, January 22, 2009

I know, I know... I'm working on it! =)

Ok, ok, ok... I know, I keep promising pictures. Well, I got the computer and started school and got wrapped up in all that. Now I'm realizing that I don't have the cord to connect the camera to the computer. Figures.... Derek is talking about getting me a new camera for Valentines day so I'm going to wait and see if that comes with the things I need to connect it to the computer. In the mean time.... I'm going to attempt to put the pictures form the old camera on another computer and burn them to a CD. Bare with me... I'm going to do my best to find the time!! =) 

On another note, yes, I started school and so far I'm really enjoying it. I'm just taking one class this semester to get my feet wet. I can't believe its been 5 years since I've been in school already. Time flies doesn't it? Jacob is doing well. Still having some trouble adjusting to Derek being gone again. He wakes up every morning and says hello to Daddy's picture and blows him a kiss. We usually try and get the two of them on Skype a few times a week. The problem we're running into is Derek wakes up to go to work during Jacob's nap and when Derek gets home form work Jacob has already been in bed for a few hours. Jacob is starting terrible twos... now to those of you who know him, you think no, thats not possible! But let me tell you... he is VERY capable of throwing a full blown tantrum! All in all I am still very blessed with a low key kiddo. He's good boy but has his moments! We are planning our trip to Japan already and looking into airfare... ouch! But we are very excited to experience what Derek is doing there in Japan! We should be headed that way the end of June beginning of July for about 3 weeks. Derek isn't taking his leave that he is due over the summer so he can come home for a full month come December.  Hopefully I'll be able to update with pictures soon! 

1 comment:

Pam said...

Kim I am glad you are enjoying school... I am sure it helps getting out of the house on occasion... I saw Derek's site too and boy does he look like he is having some fun.... I hope his knee is feeling better from the snowboarding...LOL I told him thing's like that happen when you get cocky....( his ) I am sure you are looking forward to spending 3 weeks there... as it is the most time at one time you have spent with him since before wow !!!!!!!!