Saturday, April 28, 2007

Mimi an Aunt Some Uncles and a Ceiling Fan

Jacob is such a happy baby boy! I can't say it enough... Derek and I were so blessed with a wonderful child! Thank you Lord! He talks more and more everyday. He loves to talk first thing in the morning after his breakfast. We talk and play for about an hour and then he's back down for a little nap and up an hour later and wants to talk some more. He comes up with a different coo everyday. I can't wait to hear his first word. Aside from Mommy and Daddy Jacob is blessed to be living with other family right now. He is really bonding with his Mimi and aunts and uncles.

Today was the first day it was hot enough to have the ceiling fan on and Jacob got a kick out of it. He liked to look at it before but when he noticed it going round and round this morning he smiled and laughed. It was so funny. We were also able to go to his Uncle DJ's baseball game. Mimi enjoyed showing him off to the other teammates parents. Here is a picture the morning before Jacob was born of Derek and DJ. Derek was coaching DJ's team before he got his new job.

Friday, April 27, 2007

Jacob's first bath.

Here are a few picture from Jacobs first sponge bath. He wasn't super excited about it! He really didn't like to have his clothes off and still doesn't for some reason. He did fine when we first set him on the bath sponge but as soon as the diaper was off he cried until he was all cozy in his towel. Now he takes showers with daddy every day instead of a bath. He is much happier that way!

Smelly Diapers!

Derek is new to diapers. Jacob is the first baby Derek has really had to take care of so he is experiencing dirty diapers for the first time and in the first few week didn't do well with them. Here is a picture I took of him changing one diaper that was exceptionally smelly!! He thought putting something around his nose would help out but no such luck.

Thursday, April 26, 2007

Three Month Old Clothes

This is Jacobs first "big boy outfit'' the outfit is for a 3 month old and it already fits pretty well. It was a tad big but not by much! It should be big he is only 7 1/2 weeks! He's our growing boy. Before we know it he'll be off to school. He has also really started to talk a lot more. It's so exciting to see the little things he learns each day. He is such a smart little guy.

On a side note... I ask that you please keep Derek and I in your thoughts and prayers as we are making some big decisions about our future as far as his careerer goes.

Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Blessed with Great Grandparents

Jacob's Papa Riddle passed away in January and the family is still mourning this loss. Papa Riddle will be missed but Jacob is already hearing about how wonderful his Papa was and how much Papa would have enjoyed him. Jacob has been blessed with two sets of great grandparents that love him very much. He has been lucky enough to have been able to spend time with both Great Grandma and Papa Riddle and Great Grandma and Grandpa Lansdale already. Grandma and Papa Riddle were down for a visit from their house in Moraga in late March and Jacob had a great visit with them. Derek and I also took Jacob on his first road trip up to Porterville to visit Great Grandma and Grandpa Lansdale. Jacob did so well on the long drive. He slept the whole way! While we were visiting we enjoyed Sunday morning services at the Pixley church. After church we went to lunch at Derek's parents new home in Exitder (spelling). Jacob got to spend some time with his Grandparents and two aunts. On our way home he was a little fussy so we decided it would be a good idea to stop for dinner and get him out of the car seat for a little while. Thats just what he wanted too. The couple seated next to us couldn't get over how good he was the whole time we were eating and how beautiful he was. Its nice to hear that! We are defiantly blessed with a prefect baby boy!

Monday, April 23, 2007

Jacob's Tummy Time

Jacob and I were bored today so we had a photo shoot... can you tell that I love taking pictures yet? He was such a good boy until the end of his tummy time. He was ready to be picked up so Mimi came to his rescue! In the end he is always just a happy boy!

Sunday, April 22, 2007

Not so little anymore...

Today Derek weighed Jacob and hes already 12 lbs. Hes growing so quickly and is really starting to fill out! We love his chubby little belly! This picture was from a few days after we came home from the hospital. It shows just how long he was and how cramped he must have been in my belly! Poor baby! This is also about the time he started to stretch his legs out. It took him about 2-3 weeks before he really straightened out. I'll have to take another picture like this soon so you can see how much hes grown!

This picture is from a week or so ago. He is so alert and already reaching for his toys. He has a few favorites. He loves his keys and also a pair of chime animals that hang from his car seat.

Jacob's great uncle Bill and Aunt Deb sent him a few gifts. He loves to lay on his new play mat and gets a kick out of the musical flower that plays "Twinkle twinkle little star" he laughs every time we pull it for him. His arms aren't quite long enough to reach it to do it himself but he has a blast batting for them anyway.

Friday, April 20, 2007

Jacob's first photo shoot.

One week after Jacob was born we had a photo shoot and he was such a good sport... most of the time. We were trying to find a picture for his announcements and after about 400 pictures and some really cute faces later we found the one we were looking for.

Jacob's first day home!

Here are a couple pictures of Jacob when he first came home from the hospital. One of his most favorite things in the world is to cuddle so he is usually wrapped in a big blanket in someones arms. He is very rarely set down with as many people as are in our home. There is usually a line to hold him! He is one loved kid thats for sure!

What a great way to keep in touch.

After seeing the many blogs that have recently been created Derek and I have decided that this would be a great way to keep in touch with family and friends. We don't get to see many of you on a regular basis and there have been quite a few picture requests of the new addition to our family so here is where we'll attempt to keep you all up to date on the cute little things Jacob is surprising us with. Wish us luck and enjoy!

Here are a few pictures of our little guy during his first few hours of life. He came into the world in a bit of a hurry and in a way we did not anticipate. I was a week past due and in a whole lot of pelvic pain and our little bundle of joy still didn't want to join the world so our doctor ordered an ultra sound to see what was going on (that was on a Thursday). Turns out he was frank breach with no possible way of turning meaning I was going to have a c-section. The surgery appointment was made for the following Monday afternoon which I thought was fine because I still was not dilated or having any regular contractions. Saturday morning at about 6 AM I woke up with back labor and some pretty regular contractions but didn't think it was time to go. Having had my doctor lay into me something fierce the week before about how I'm only to go into the hospital if I'm 110% sure I was in labor I choose to ignore it and go back to sleep. At about 10 that morning the back labor started getting worse but Derek had a baseball game with DJ that morning and I had to be at the house for the delivery of my moms new dishwasher so I still tried to ignore it. The second Derek got home and the Maytag guys left I told Derek it was time to go (after I took a shower shaved my legs and did my makeup of course!). We got to the hospital at about 3 and found ourselves in an emergency c-section situation. I still wasn't feeling regular contractions at all and the nurse couldn't believe it after having me on the monitor. They got me prepped and called my doctor and I was under the knife by 4:20. After a lot of work on the doctors and the nurses part they were able to push/pull him out. His head was so jammed under my ribs the doctor had a hard time getting him out. Jacob Ashton Lansdale was born 3/3/2007 at 4:33 pm 8lbs 11oz 20.5 inches. He was our long skinny baby boy! I was in the hospital for 4 days. And more than happy to go home!