Friday, April 20, 2007

What a great way to keep in touch.

After seeing the many blogs that have recently been created Derek and I have decided that this would be a great way to keep in touch with family and friends. We don't get to see many of you on a regular basis and there have been quite a few picture requests of the new addition to our family so here is where we'll attempt to keep you all up to date on the cute little things Jacob is surprising us with. Wish us luck and enjoy!

Here are a few pictures of our little guy during his first few hours of life. He came into the world in a bit of a hurry and in a way we did not anticipate. I was a week past due and in a whole lot of pelvic pain and our little bundle of joy still didn't want to join the world so our doctor ordered an ultra sound to see what was going on (that was on a Thursday). Turns out he was frank breach with no possible way of turning meaning I was going to have a c-section. The surgery appointment was made for the following Monday afternoon which I thought was fine because I still was not dilated or having any regular contractions. Saturday morning at about 6 AM I woke up with back labor and some pretty regular contractions but didn't think it was time to go. Having had my doctor lay into me something fierce the week before about how I'm only to go into the hospital if I'm 110% sure I was in labor I choose to ignore it and go back to sleep. At about 10 that morning the back labor started getting worse but Derek had a baseball game with DJ that morning and I had to be at the house for the delivery of my moms new dishwasher so I still tried to ignore it. The second Derek got home and the Maytag guys left I told Derek it was time to go (after I took a shower shaved my legs and did my makeup of course!). We got to the hospital at about 3 and found ourselves in an emergency c-section situation. I still wasn't feeling regular contractions at all and the nurse couldn't believe it after having me on the monitor. They got me prepped and called my doctor and I was under the knife by 4:20. After a lot of work on the doctors and the nurses part they were able to push/pull him out. His head was so jammed under my ribs the doctor had a hard time getting him out. Jacob Ashton Lansdale was born 3/3/2007 at 4:33 pm 8lbs 11oz 20.5 inches. He was our long skinny baby boy! I was in the hospital for 4 days. And more than happy to go home!

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