Sunday, April 22, 2007

Not so little anymore...

Today Derek weighed Jacob and hes already 12 lbs. Hes growing so quickly and is really starting to fill out! We love his chubby little belly! This picture was from a few days after we came home from the hospital. It shows just how long he was and how cramped he must have been in my belly! Poor baby! This is also about the time he started to stretch his legs out. It took him about 2-3 weeks before he really straightened out. I'll have to take another picture like this soon so you can see how much hes grown!

This picture is from a week or so ago. He is so alert and already reaching for his toys. He has a few favorites. He loves his keys and also a pair of chime animals that hang from his car seat.

Jacob's great uncle Bill and Aunt Deb sent him a few gifts. He loves to lay on his new play mat and gets a kick out of the musical flower that plays "Twinkle twinkle little star" he laughs every time we pull it for him. His arms aren't quite long enough to reach it to do it himself but he has a blast batting for them anyway.

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