Monday, May 28, 2007

Memorial Day and Two Birthdays

Antie Jess had Jacob time.

Mark playing with the dog. Really, shes having fun.

1st game of the Stanley Cup playoffs

They were glued to the TV!!!

The kids were in the pool most of the day.

"Big" Derek and Mom had their birthday this month.
Mom's is on the 29 and Derek's was the 24 so they celebrated together.

Happy Birthday MOM!!!

Happy Birthday DEREK!!!

We all just hung out and had family time.

Nap Time With Daddy

Saturday, May 26, 2007

Poor baby!

Jacob finally had his doctors appointment. Insurance and doctors are no fun. Jacob didn't enjoy the doctor this visit. It started with her walking into the room and him greeting her with a huge smile. She was so excited to see him smile at someone other than Daddy or Mommy. She checked him out and said that he looked pretty good but his belly button wasn't healing so it had to be cotterized (sp) it took all 3 of us to hold him down he was one unhappy kid he was all done with her after that and let her know it! He was weighed and they measured him. He is in the 90 percentile of his weight and the 97 of his height. He is one long skinny kid! Kinda like his Dad, tall and skinny. Then he had his shots. I have never heard him scream like that before. He turned bright red! When we were done we went home and he wouldn't let anyone but me hold him and wouldn't let me put him down all day! He had a fever and whined a lot. Poor baby. His next appointment is in 2 months. I'm sure he wont like that one either.

He had shots on either side. They were cute little snoopy band aids.

This is what he thought of the doctor after.

This is where he parked himself for the day.

Wednesday, May 16, 2007

In Memory Of... all those we love.

Death is never easy. It only gets harder to deal with! But we come together as family and friends to pull each other through hard times. Being someone who recently lost somebody very dear to me helps me to relate to others. My loss makes me understand that the death of a loved one isn't hard just for the immediate family. It is a hard time for anyone that has been touched by that person who has passed. My Step Father is now home with the Lord and I know that I was so lucky to have had the time with him that I did. He has helped mold me into the person I have become and I know that his wisdom will continue with me as I raise my children. David was not only very important to his family he was important to his co workers and his neighbors and a person in line at the super market. He lit the world with his smile and continues to do so in his memory.

So many prayers were prayed for me and for my family so my prayer is now with Tony Farrar Jr's family and friends. We were so blessed to have had time with him. He touched us all in his own special way. We thank him for putting his life on the line for his country... for us! We thank his family for sharing him with us and we thank the Lord for the comfort of knowing he is now in His arms.

Lord I pray that you are with all of those who loved Tony Jr. Please help our hearts to heal but always remember.

Summer clothes

We had to go out and get Jacob some summer clothes. We found some real cute stuff! I love baby clothes!

Mmmm... new clothes taste the best!!

Always with his tongue out! Silly boy!

Winnie the Pooh

My best friend Lacy got Jacob a PooBear outfit. I had to make sure I got some pictures of him in it before he out grew it. That seems to be happening a lot. I already had to go through his clothes to get rid of things that don't fit. He didn't think much of the hat or the booties...

Mothers Day

Mothers Day was pretty neat. I got to spend it with the family. Derek was in charge of the BBQ while my mom relaxed and Jacob and I played. My mom watched Jacob for me later that night so Derek and I could go out and have some alone time. When we got home they were both asleep on the couch. I couldn't miss this picture opportunity!!!

Swinging Away

Jacob is enjoying his new swing. But only when he's sleepy!

Thursday, May 10, 2007


One of his most favorite places! Being fed in Mommys arms!

He'll be walking before we know it!

Jacob is really trying hard at the whole rolling over thing. He is so close but doesn't understand what to do with his other hand. He can't quite get past it. So until then he'll just eat it. It'll be happening pretty soon though I imagine! How scary!

Go Redsox!!

Papa Riddle would be so proud! Other than his father, Papa Riddle was the biggest Redsox fan you'd even know! So in memory of Papa we are teaching Jacob to be a Redsox fan as well. Too bad we can't find one his size! Daddy did buy him an Angels outfit too.

Wednesday, May 9, 2007

Daddy and his Buddy

Derek is doing so wonderful in his new role as Daddy. He has really been enjoying his new little buddy. Especially since Jacob really seems to enjoy watching hockey with him. I'll have to get a picture of it.

Puppy Love

Nap time with the Sissy. This is kinda a big deal because Sissy was actually the one to come and lay down by him. She has been afraid of him since we brought Jacob home. If you know anything about Sissy you know that she was named appropriately! She is one big sissy dog! She runs from her own shadow! But we sure do love her and so does Jacob.

Saturday, May 5, 2007

Little Sister Goes to Prom!

Today was prom for Redlands High School and Jessica being a senior, got to do all the girly prom things before hand. Jessica took her friend Bree from the OTHER high school in town. (Redlands High is my alma mater can you tell? (= ) The girls looked beautiful!!! They even got to take a limo with about 18 other people. How fun!

Friday, May 4, 2007

Daddy and Jacob

This is his little old man face.

So are they related or what?

Thursday, May 3, 2007

Play Time

After our photo shoot we played with stuffed animals he got a kick out of them and I even caught a picture mid laugh. He was so excited that he pooped himself out and took a nap with his lion.