Saturday, May 26, 2007

Poor baby!

Jacob finally had his doctors appointment. Insurance and doctors are no fun. Jacob didn't enjoy the doctor this visit. It started with her walking into the room and him greeting her with a huge smile. She was so excited to see him smile at someone other than Daddy or Mommy. She checked him out and said that he looked pretty good but his belly button wasn't healing so it had to be cotterized (sp) it took all 3 of us to hold him down he was one unhappy kid he was all done with her after that and let her know it! He was weighed and they measured him. He is in the 90 percentile of his weight and the 97 of his height. He is one long skinny kid! Kinda like his Dad, tall and skinny. Then he had his shots. I have never heard him scream like that before. He turned bright red! When we were done we went home and he wouldn't let anyone but me hold him and wouldn't let me put him down all day! He had a fever and whined a lot. Poor baby. His next appointment is in 2 months. I'm sure he wont like that one either.

He had shots on either side. They were cute little snoopy band aids.

This is what he thought of the doctor after.

This is where he parked himself for the day.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

She's a mean mean lady for doing that to him. BAD DOCTOR