Wednesday, August 27, 2008

You know who you are. For the others i'm sorry you have to read this.

This is not for most who read this blog. This blog is for my family and friends. I'm sorry some of you will have to read this but I will do everything I must to protect my family. If you are not a family or a friend that is concerned/curious of the going on with my husband, my child, or myself you are not welcome to post here. Do what you will with your own space.

If you have something you would like to talk about concerning my husband being shot at or any other terrorist threat you might have, as well as anything else your heart desires I will be happy to meet with you at your home and discuss these with you, with a Redlands Police Officer present for mediation.

I will not play your childish games and I am serious about that. I am documenting everything that has happened. I will be happy to turn what I have over to authorities. My family, my self, and my relationships with others are none of your concern. So if you would like to meet with me please let me know and I would be more than happy to arrange it.

Thank you in advance for discontinuing your verbal online abuse.


Anonymous said...

Dearest Kim
I do not post to your blog but I thoroughly enjoy keeping up with how Jake is growing and how Derek is doing. I love you dearly and pray for you and your family.

Oscar Hendrix

Lansdale said...

Thank you Oscar! Thank you for your prayers and love.

Judy said...

Kim sorry to hear someone is saying things to you on here but I can so relate honestly. I have had some not so nice things said to me recently as well. The Devil is really working hard these days hon. I know you are getting excited to see your hubby and so is Jake I am sure also. Michael was in the Air Force for over 7 years so I know for sure what is it like to be a military wife. I lived in Turkey for a year and a half what an experience that was believe me. I hope you have some exciting tales to tell after Derek is assigned somewhere that you can go and join him. Miss seeing you at church too.

Take care and have a blessed day..

The Ramseys said...


It is so unbelieveable what people will do to hurt other people. You and your family are in our prayers. We love you and hope that your time away from Derek will go quickly. It must be very hard to be apart for so long. By the way Jake looks adorable with his new haircut. Love ya