Thursday, May 3, 2007

Two Months Old!

Jacob is two months old today so we took some pictures. His little personality comes out more and more every day. Jacob loves the camera. He is such a little ham but he also lets me know when he is done with pictures as well. Keep Jacob in your thoughts and prayers tomorrow. He has his two month check up and with that comes shots. He didn't even wake up for them while he was in the hospital when he was born. I hope they are just as easy tomorrow!


John and Esther said...

I love all these pictures, it's obvious he's a ham. What a sweetie, Love ya Esther

J, D, and A said...

Oh my goodness good luck tomorrow. I truly think that the shots were just as hard for me as they were for Adison. Hope everything is going well with you and your new family.

Anonymous said...

He's so cute! He is a picture taker let me know if you wanna hang out tomorrow ill txt u!