Thursday, August 28, 2008


So I got a bit side tracked with other things yesterday... what I really wanted to update on was that I received my first letter from Derek. He is doing well but says he is very homesick. He misses his boy! Chief doesn't know his name yet so he said that was a good thing. Chief knows all the guys who act up already and he says his class can't seem to keep their mouths shut so it sounds like he has had to do a lot of IT. He passed his swim test!! I was very happy to hear that! If you've seen Derek swim you know he floats like a rock. He can swim well but ask him to float on his back you'll have to rescue him at the bottom of the pool. He said that the food isn't too bad, no sugar to caffeine all low calorie. Wish he would eat that way at home! Derek doesn't mind bland but I'm sure he misses putting crushed red pepper on everything (something he has started doing in the last year or so...). We did find out that his division is a grad and go, meaning I'll fly in for the graduation and have a few hours with him, and then he'll be off to where ever school is. Thats a big bummer. I'm debating if I want to stay an extra day or so, so I can experience Chicago. I hate to fly all the way out there and not even get to explore at all. We'll see. His rate (job) is up in the air as of now but when I know whats going on with that I'll let everyone know. As far as Jacob and I go, we're hanging in there. Derek and I made some videos of Derek reading to Jacob and counting and such. We watch them daily and that is Jacob's FAVORITE part of the day. When you ask him where Daddy is he goes to our lap top. He has also been carrying around a picture I had printed out of the two of them. Derek is a bit worried Jacob will forget him but so far I really don't think we'll have that problem. Say a prayer for Derek and if you can send out a letter! I'm sure he'd love the encouragement. Thanks for all the prayers and support!

1 comment:

The Ramseys said...

Hey Kim,
So glad to hear you got a letter from Derek. I bet that made your day. What a great idea, making videos for Jake of his daddy. Very cool. Hope you are doing well. Still praying for you all
Love ya, Trisha