Thursday, September 4, 2008

Great Day!!!

Today was the best day yet! I've been stalking the mailbox since 9 this morning. We have a new mail man so he has been running really late. Mail didn't get here until 1:30! I got a letter from Derek a whole 5 pages. Thats probably one of the longest letter he's written in his life. haha It told me all about all the dental work he has had to day and his new dog tags and his new friends. He also said that he really likes his Chief and how great of a leader the Chief is. He said that all his PO's (Petty Officers) like him and call him preacher boy because Derek leads his division and division 376 in prayer every night. But they like that he does it because it is bringing the divisions closer together. He said he was going to be the Religious Petty Officer but if he did that he would have to give up his Sundays to write home and he couldn't do that because thats what keeps him going. He said all the girls like him because he is very respectful and all he talks about is me and Jacob and how much he loves us while all the other guys talk about the girls and how so and so is cute. He's always been a great guy! He said he's made a lot of good friends. He's too easy to get along with not to have made friends!

Well, after I finished reading his letter the phone rang and there he was!!! I could hardly believe it was him. I was so excited. What perfect timing!!! He told me about graduation and how they got their uniforms. He'll be graduating in the blues which sucks because they have to spend all that money on them only to get issued new ones next year because they are phasing out the blue uniforms. Oh well. He is VERY sick poor thing. I knew he would be though. 99.9% of the guys there do get sick. But he said he isn't going to go to sick call because that'll set him back in boot. He said he is very soar and wasn't in as good a shape as he thought he was. He didn't pass the first physical test by like 30 seconds. He'll make that up for sure! He said they got a phone call because they did well on their first test. It's out of 5.0 and they got a 4.6 or a 4.8... something like that. I'm just so proud of Derek. He is doing a wonderful thing for his family!

Thank you to everyone who is writing him! The mail is what keeps him going. Again, if you want to send him anything he can receive phone cards and stamps. Thats about it. No newspaper clippings or anything else. Letters ONLY!

1 comment:

Judy said...

Sounds like all is going good and yes many do get sick because of being out of shape and all the physical things they have to do. You will love graduation it is an awesome thing we went when Amanda graduated. Bring tissues is all I can say. The graduation is tear jerking. I am so glad he chose to do this for the betterment of your family.

Hang in there he will be out of there before you know it.