Thursday, September 25, 2008

Letter day!!!

I got my letter from Derek today! Good news and some not so good news.

He did awesome on his marksmanship! I guess you need a 228 for the expert marksman and he got a 227. The Chief Gunner's mate told him he might give him the extra point he was very impressed! haha All those video games paid off I guess. He was the best in his division and 3rd best of the day. That's pretty cool. I'm proud of him! He goes on to say that he shouldn't have been there anyway and that he should have been in sick call. The next day they made him go and he had a fever of nearly 103 and everything else that goes a long with it. So they made him stay in his bunk for an entire day and the next day put him on light duty. He was back to regular duty on Thursday though. He says he's feeling better now. Poor guy! I wonder how he'd do if he wasn't sick... They only missed a few points for their drill inspection (I'm not sure what that is...?) So they flagged for drill. I think this means they get an extra flag to represent his division during graduation. His whole division passed their second big test and he got a 4.6 of 5.0 which I guess is really good. I'm hoping that means a phone call. I'm crossing my fingers. I know it did the last time. We'll see, I'm trying hard not to get my hopes up too much. He also talked about all the uniforms they issued him working whites and working blues he said that he wont ever wear either! He also said that they didn't have dress white in his size there so we'll have to get those and his camo as soon as he gets to A school. All he'll wear with his job is camo. He said this is his last week of real training and is excited about that. That means he'll be doing battle stations some time next week. I've heard they get an hour long phone call if they pass. So all in all he's doing well. Just the minor hiccup with being sent to sick call. But it wont affect his PIR. Thank God! 14 more days and I'll finally get to see him again. Looking back it really hasn't seemed like a long time but I think someone has hit the slow motion button cause if feels like these last few weeks have been dragging on.

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

My Mom's Great Dane

Roxy is getting HUGE!

So tired he put himself down for a nap just before dinner!

Nor Cal Trip

Very out of order... Sorry!

Andrew and Susan were so kind to let Jacob and I tag along with them up North to attend Brittney and Dustin Wrights wedding. It was beautiful!

He figured out how to take his pants off... this should make things interesting!


Great news from Great Lakes!

Letter day came early this week and as you can imagine I was pleasantly surprised to see a letter waiting for me! =)

Derek will indeed keep his job as MA and he and I are both so excited about this! So the same day as his Graduation he will fly to Texas for school. Grandpa Jacob and my layer also happen to be in TX. I'm keeping my fingers crossed that we're on the same plane. I'd be thrilled since we're being jipped out of time together because he is grad and go. What an incredibly long turn around trip this will be with a one year old. Good thing I've got a great kid!

I had asked before for pray regarding his leg. He tells me that he is doing much better this week. His toes are constantly numb from having to stand watch and in stand in formation constantly. Poor guy! The Navy has given him a lot of ambition and I'm so proud of him! I knew he had it in him he just needed the Navy for a push. I've never heard him so passionate about something as he is his new job. His goal as of now is to become career and move as far up in rank as possible. Derek passed his physical tests so we're on track for graduation. That's exciting! This week he has live fire so he'll have fun with that. I'm excited to hear how that goes. He was very sick when I talked to him on the phone a few weeks ago and started to get better. Since there have been so many hurricanes one on top of the next and all the weather travels up to the Great Lakes and camps out for a bit. He said it has been raining non stop and RTC has flooded. They had everyone on hold because of it. Of course with rain comes more sickness. He isn't feeling 100% but said he has learned to work though it. Derek has never worked through being sick in his life. This is a big step for him... haha He can't wait to be done with boot camp and expressed a desire to eat at Taco Bell. YUCK! I guess its right across the street from RTC so I'm guessing they march past it and are probably able to smell it. I just can't see why you would want Taco Bell when you are in Chicago... I've heard amazing things about the deep dish pizza. I'm going to reward myself with one and plan to get Derek his gourmet Taco Bell. haha

Please continue to keep him in your prayers. If you are writing him keep it up! He needs all the support he can get to press through these last few weeks. Thank you!

Amanda, pictures will soon follow! Promise! =)

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Letters from our Sailor!

I got a letter from Derek today. He is doing really well and really likes what he's doing now. He just wishes Jacob and I were with him. He is still sick but starting to finally feel better. He hurt his leg but isn't going to go to sick call for it because he doesn't want to be held back for his grad date. Please keep this in your prayers! They still only know him as preacher boy he said he is fine with that nick name. He'd rather be called that than some of the other things people come up with. Derek says he thinks this could be his career he really likes the military life style. His RDC said that he is very detail oriented and like when he is on watch. Thats surprising. I've never known him to be very detailed. He said week 4 (starts tomorrow) they will be working with weapons. I know he'll enjoy that! Week 5 he'll do fire fighting and gas chamber (twice!) Then week 6 he'll do battle stations. I think this experience has been really good for Derek! I'm so proud of him. I'm thrilled that he is happy and excited about this new chapter in our life. 28 days until his graduation. Grandpa Lansdale Jacob and myself fly out really late on the 8th and come home Friday the 10th in the evening. Its getting close! I can't wait to see him at PIR!

A normal day for Derek is:

0500-0600- Wakeup, this is different everyday.
0600-0645-Brush teeth, get house on spot
0645-0730- Chow
0800-1000- Class Room (Computer based training)
1000-1130-RDC Instruction
1145- 1230- Chow
1300-1430- PT
1500-1545- Hygiene
1600-1700- RDC Instruction
1730-1815 - Chow
1830-2000-Recruit Study
2030-2130- Evening Routine
2130-2145- MAIL CALL
2200- TAPS (Lights out)

Jacob and I are doing well. I've got pictures to update but I'm going to save that for later.

Thanks to all of you who have been writing Derek and supporting him. Keep it up! It helps to keep his spirits up!

Thursday, September 4, 2008

Great Day!!!

Today was the best day yet! I've been stalking the mailbox since 9 this morning. We have a new mail man so he has been running really late. Mail didn't get here until 1:30! I got a letter from Derek a whole 5 pages. Thats probably one of the longest letter he's written in his life. haha It told me all about all the dental work he has had to day and his new dog tags and his new friends. He also said that he really likes his Chief and how great of a leader the Chief is. He said that all his PO's (Petty Officers) like him and call him preacher boy because Derek leads his division and division 376 in prayer every night. But they like that he does it because it is bringing the divisions closer together. He said he was going to be the Religious Petty Officer but if he did that he would have to give up his Sundays to write home and he couldn't do that because thats what keeps him going. He said all the girls like him because he is very respectful and all he talks about is me and Jacob and how much he loves us while all the other guys talk about the girls and how so and so is cute. He's always been a great guy! He said he's made a lot of good friends. He's too easy to get along with not to have made friends!

Well, after I finished reading his letter the phone rang and there he was!!! I could hardly believe it was him. I was so excited. What perfect timing!!! He told me about graduation and how they got their uniforms. He'll be graduating in the blues which sucks because they have to spend all that money on them only to get issued new ones next year because they are phasing out the blue uniforms. Oh well. He is VERY sick poor thing. I knew he would be though. 99.9% of the guys there do get sick. But he said he isn't going to go to sick call because that'll set him back in boot. He said he is very soar and wasn't in as good a shape as he thought he was. He didn't pass the first physical test by like 30 seconds. He'll make that up for sure! He said they got a phone call because they did well on their first test. It's out of 5.0 and they got a 4.6 or a 4.8... something like that. I'm just so proud of Derek. He is doing a wonderful thing for his family!

Thank you to everyone who is writing him! The mail is what keeps him going. Again, if you want to send him anything he can receive phone cards and stamps. Thats about it. No newspaper clippings or anything else. Letters ONLY!