Thursday, September 25, 2008

Letter day!!!

I got my letter from Derek today! Good news and some not so good news.

He did awesome on his marksmanship! I guess you need a 228 for the expert marksman and he got a 227. The Chief Gunner's mate told him he might give him the extra point he was very impressed! haha All those video games paid off I guess. He was the best in his division and 3rd best of the day. That's pretty cool. I'm proud of him! He goes on to say that he shouldn't have been there anyway and that he should have been in sick call. The next day they made him go and he had a fever of nearly 103 and everything else that goes a long with it. So they made him stay in his bunk for an entire day and the next day put him on light duty. He was back to regular duty on Thursday though. He says he's feeling better now. Poor guy! I wonder how he'd do if he wasn't sick... They only missed a few points for their drill inspection (I'm not sure what that is...?) So they flagged for drill. I think this means they get an extra flag to represent his division during graduation. His whole division passed their second big test and he got a 4.6 of 5.0 which I guess is really good. I'm hoping that means a phone call. I'm crossing my fingers. I know it did the last time. We'll see, I'm trying hard not to get my hopes up too much. He also talked about all the uniforms they issued him working whites and working blues he said that he wont ever wear either! He also said that they didn't have dress white in his size there so we'll have to get those and his camo as soon as he gets to A school. All he'll wear with his job is camo. He said this is his last week of real training and is excited about that. That means he'll be doing battle stations some time next week. I've heard they get an hour long phone call if they pass. So all in all he's doing well. Just the minor hiccup with being sent to sick call. But it wont affect his PIR. Thank God! 14 more days and I'll finally get to see him again. Looking back it really hasn't seemed like a long time but I think someone has hit the slow motion button cause if feels like these last few weeks have been dragging on.

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