Thursday, September 11, 2008

Letters from our Sailor!

I got a letter from Derek today. He is doing really well and really likes what he's doing now. He just wishes Jacob and I were with him. He is still sick but starting to finally feel better. He hurt his leg but isn't going to go to sick call for it because he doesn't want to be held back for his grad date. Please keep this in your prayers! They still only know him as preacher boy he said he is fine with that nick name. He'd rather be called that than some of the other things people come up with. Derek says he thinks this could be his career he really likes the military life style. His RDC said that he is very detail oriented and like when he is on watch. Thats surprising. I've never known him to be very detailed. He said week 4 (starts tomorrow) they will be working with weapons. I know he'll enjoy that! Week 5 he'll do fire fighting and gas chamber (twice!) Then week 6 he'll do battle stations. I think this experience has been really good for Derek! I'm so proud of him. I'm thrilled that he is happy and excited about this new chapter in our life. 28 days until his graduation. Grandpa Lansdale Jacob and myself fly out really late on the 8th and come home Friday the 10th in the evening. Its getting close! I can't wait to see him at PIR!

A normal day for Derek is:

0500-0600- Wakeup, this is different everyday.
0600-0645-Brush teeth, get house on spot
0645-0730- Chow
0800-1000- Class Room (Computer based training)
1000-1130-RDC Instruction
1145- 1230- Chow
1300-1430- PT
1500-1545- Hygiene
1600-1700- RDC Instruction
1730-1815 - Chow
1830-2000-Recruit Study
2030-2130- Evening Routine
2130-2145- MAIL CALL
2200- TAPS (Lights out)

Jacob and I are doing well. I've got pictures to update but I'm going to save that for later.

Thanks to all of you who have been writing Derek and supporting him. Keep it up! It helps to keep his spirits up!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Time for some more pictures. :)